Friday, 20 September 2013

Women Unwrapped......

There has been a lot of coverage recently on how women are depicted in the media. This discussion has been driven, in the most part, by that now infamous Robin Thicke video for his song "Blurred Lines" and his subsequent performance with Miley Cyrus, at the MTV VMA awards.

The song, in my opinion, is nothing new in terms of the misogyny of the lyrics. The sad fact is that we are exposed to these type of lyrics every day. My interest in the debate centres on how men and women are depicted in the accompanying video.

For those who are not familiar with the video, it shows Robin Thicke, Farrell and I think TI suited, booted and looking very polished. The women, on the other hand, are wearing practically nothing and striking a series of provocative poses around the men.

To me this represents control. To have the men, at all times, fully clothed shows that they are in control. The women, on the other hand, are by their nakedness shown as exposed and vunerable. This video is a striking example of how men and women are treated differently, in the media, generally.

If you scan the shelves of any newsagents, you will be assaulted with many images on the front covers of magazines. What I have noted is that women are often shown wearing very little and striking provocative poses on the cover of men's and women's magazines. The women are almost being unwrapped before our eyes.

Men, on the other hand, tend to be shown looking very handsome usually in a well tailored suit. I will admit to having a liking for handsome men (or at least those I consider to be handsome) in a well tailored suit but, for me, this again reinforces the issue of power and control.

My question is why can't women appear on the cover of magazines fully clothed, looking classy and in control of their own destiny?

I know some will say that the women are there because they chose to be and I accept that is their prerogative but what kind of message does that send out to our children. One that says girls are to be rated on physical appearance and judged by their bust measurements not their IQ.

I did have to smile when some men felt they were being "exploited" by a parody of the "Blurred Lines" video which was made by some law students, in Auckland, New Zealand. This resulted in that video being temporarily removed from You tube while the Robin Thicke video remained available. The video was subsequently reinstated to You tube. In this video, the roles are reversed and the women are in control.

Below is a link to the "Blurred Lines" parody but please note that this may not be suitable to view at work.

I would love to know your thoughts on this issue as I know it can be quite a divisive one.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Labels....a rough draft.

I was inspired to write the poem below, currently in the first draft, after revisiting a film that had a profound effect on my younger self. The film in question is "An Angel at my Table" - directed by Jane Campion and starring a young Kerry Fox. This film is a biopic of the life of the celebrated New Zealand writer and poet, Janet Frame.

If you are not familiar with Janet Frame or her work, I would encourage you to take the time to read some of her writing and, if you get a chance, to watch the film "An Angel at my Table".  Janet Frame suffered a mental breakdown and spent several years in an asylum, during which time, she was subjected to treatments such as electric shock treatment. Her life is a fascinating and interesting one and her story got me thinking about the labels we put on ourselves and others.

The poem below is a work in progress and I would as always love to know your thoughts on the ideas, raised in the poem, or the film if you have seen it.


Why do we label people and box them away?

Is it to make life feel more simple and provide comfort in structure.

Do I want to be labelled? NO

How do people see me? Am I nice, naughty, warm, angry, bright, dull.
The list of descriptions is as infinite as the heavens.

My head is spinning with all the labels that could be pinned to my collar.
My collar would fill up like a boy scout collects badges for his lapel.

Am I weighed down by the labels on my collar? YES
I am more than the sum of their parts.

They are simply words given a meaning. That meaning does not define me.

I am indefinable, indescribable, and my soul changes clothes at least once a century.
I don't get a choice in the clothes that it wears........that is the lottery of existence.

Why people spend time analysing, defining and ticking boxes is something I can't comprehend.
All that amounts to is wasted energy and hours that can never be returned.

Labels are like musty old jars on a shelf. They fill up a space but take them away and what is left - NOTHING

A void that can't be filled or a space full of infinite possibilities?

Carol O'Donovan
15th September 2013